t.e.d stockings have been a savior to many individuals. However, one of the challenges faced is verifying the varying types available.
For that reason, this article will explore the best classes of t-e-d-stockings. In rounding up the guide, we will highlight what will make you identify the best compression level for you.
T.e.d. Stockings
Ted stockings are used as an alternative to costly compression bandages and give optimal compression to the leg. They are recognized at medical centers, locations where they will be given out to patients immediately after surgery. TED Stockings after surgery are also known as anti-embolism socks.
Ted sock is primarily designed for patients that have difficulty getting out of bed. The reason for this is to halt or prevent the accumulation of blood that could occur in the leg veins. The application of t.e.d. Stockings aren’t meant for long term use. After a person gains his or her mobility, the user will be stopped from wearing them.

Additionally, t.e.d. socks have graduated compression that usually ranges from 18-21mmHg. Graduated compression socks mean that applied compression will be the highest in the ankle region and gradually decreases while moving up the legs. Some of its prominent design is the practical “inspection hole.” This hole is found in the toe area for quick and easy monitoring of a patient’s vital signs and, in some cases, circulation.
Now, with these little highlights of t.e.d. stockings, it’s time to mention the types of ted hose any patients can choose and use. This will smoothen your search in the market.
Types of T.e.d. Stockings
The list below isn’t all the types of ted stockings available. But the ones mentioned would serve as a pointer to your selection. Also, it will give you a clearer picture, helping you understand what you must be on the search for as you head to the local pharmacy to purchase socks.
1. 18mmHg Knee Length T.e.d. Stockings

These types of ted stockings provide medically verified benefits of graduated compression. They are usually designed with durable, soft latex-free materials to provide incredible support, remarkable fit, and comfort. The knitting technology is extensively designed to increase the rate of blood flow as it allows for the most compression at the ankle region and goes off up the calf.
These knee-length socks are designed under the most rigorous quality control inspections. Thus, you can be sure that the socks are designed with the right and accurate pressure needed to halt the clotting of blood. It’s designed to support your active life.
Unique Features
Latex-free, antimicrobial treatment, and a comfortable silicone band.
Used For: Varicose Veins, post-surgery, moderate edema, and post-sclerotherapy
Other Features and Benefits
- It reduces the risk of blood clots
- It’s designed for recuperating patients
- Latex-free material
- It’s graduated knitting technology speeds up the flow of blood in the leg
- Durable, soft materials with silicone band for fit and comfort.
- Antimicrobial treatment to prevent odor
How to Wear 18mmHg Knee Length T.e.d. Stockings

- First, insert hand inside the heel pocket of the t.e.d. Stockings.
- Turn the socks inside out by taking hold of the heel pocket
- Place the socks over heel and foot and gently center the heel in the heel pocket
- Steadily pull socks up and over the calf and knee, taking it up to the final location.
Note: The top of these types of socks must be nearly 1 to 2 inches below the bottom of the kneecap.
Care for 18mmHg Knee Length t.e.d. Stockings
- To be sure that the socks you bought would last long, you must launder every three days of use.
- Keep the socks away from lanolin, ointments, and oil. They can deteriorate the elastic components of the socks.
- Hand wash, using mild soap in warm and not hot water.
- Rinse thoroughly until the water is clear; do not twist or wring.
- Only air dry
- Never bleach, dry clean, iron, or tumble dry.
2. Unisex 18mmHg Knee High T.e.d. Stockings

These types of socks are designed with only one single color, white. As it’s unisex, it’s applied for post-operative and pre-operative application. Also, it’s designed for bedridden patients so they could be helped to prevent the clotting of blood. If you are a Non-ambulatory patient or you are mobility-impaired, you will have the prescription of these ted socks. Clinically, they are designed to enhance blood velocity, limiting the incidence of deep vein thrombosis, venous stasis, and pulmonary embolisms.
Features of Unisex 18mmHg Knee High T.e.d. Stockings
- Helps in the prevention of blood clotting
- It features an inspection-toe design
- It’s designed for post and pre-operative application
- Clinically designed to enhance the velocity of blood
- Prescribed for Non-ambulatory or mobility-impaired patients
Recommendation of Unisex 18mmHg Knee High T.e.d. Stockings
- Leg fatigue
- Minor leg and ankle swelling
- Minor varicosities
- Pregnancy
Caring for Unisex 18mmHg Knee High T.e.d. Stockings
- When the machine is used, use warm water
- Never Bleach
- Never dry clean
- Rinse thoroughly and never wring
- Never use fabric softener
- Air dry
- Do not iron
- Utilize delicate garment detergent
- Donning Guide for Unisex 18mmHg Knee High T.e.d. Stockings
- Grab the top of heel pocket by inserting your hands
- While you keep the heel pocket in your hands, turn the sock inside out toward the toe.
- Open socks and leave a foot in till the heel is positioned in the right place.
Knee-High: Grasp the tip of stocking and pull up over the calf and ankle. Position tops nearly 1 inch beneath bend of the knee.
3. Knee-High Open Toe T.e.d. Stockings

These types are designed for pre and post-operative, non-ambulatory, and reclining individuals to assist them in reducing the danger of blood clots. This graduated compression also provides a compression level of 18mmHg at the ankle region. Open-toe design gives room for smooth and easy toe inspection by a caregiver. Its color is also available in White.
Features of Knee High Open Toe T.e.d. Stockings
- 12-18mmHg compression of level
- Easy toe inspection
- Limit the risk of thromboembolism
- Anti-embolism socks.
- Fabric Content of Knee High Open Toe T.e.d. Stockings
- It’s designed with 90% Nylon and 10% Spandex
4. Closed Toe Knee High T.e.d. Stockings

This type of socks is excellent for post-surgical patients. The graduation compression level is 18mmHg at the ankle region. The closed-toe gives more natural socks feel that’s appropriate for early ambulation. Users can be confident that they will be saved from the risk of blood clots if they use this type and right.
Features of Closed Toe Knee High T.e.d. Stockings
- It’s meant for post-surgical patient
- It offers 12-18mmH graduated compression level
- Limit the risks of blood clots
- Anti-embolism socks
- Fabric Content of Closed Toe Knee High T.e.d. Stockings
- It’s manufactured with 90% nylon and 10% spandex.
5. Open-toe T.e.d Support Socks

Specifically designed to offer legs a maximum level of comfort and relief every day, open toe t.e.d. support socks have the greatest support at the ankle region and graduate up the leg to enhance circulation, which energizes, restores, and renews leg comfort. The support features aids to solve achy legs, post-surgical procedures, edema, varicose veins, and provides compression at the 15-20mmHg level.
Features of Open-toe T.e.d Support Socks
- It’s manufactured to provide legs with maximum relief and comfort needed daily
- It’s designed with the greatest support at the ankle region that graduates up the leg to enhance circulation
- It energizes and restores leg comfort
- Assisted with achy, and fatigued legs,
- Available only in one color, white
- Fabric Content
- It’s manufactured with 85% Nylon and 15% Spandex
6. A new generation of T.e.d. Stockings

This is an incredible stocking featuring a compression level of 18-23mmHg, which assists in limiting the risk of DVT by supplying an optimum flow of blood and treating leg discomfort or swelling. It’s designed for patients leaving the hospital for home care.
Features of A new generation of T.e.d. Stockings
- Designed for recovery, bed rest, and early rehabilitation
- Unique open-toe design
- Large top-band intended to ensure that the socks stay in place
- Latex-free to prevent some allergic reactions
- It has an anatomic foot design for comfortable wear
- It comes with opening toe area for inspection
The Graduated Compression
- Helps to limit leg discomfort
- It’s designed for patients that are leaving the hospital for home
- Aids in reducing leg discomfort and swelling.
- It’s available only in White Color.
7. 18mmHg Thigh Highs T.e.d. Stockings

This type of socks is designed to offer consistent therapeutic compression at the level of 18mmHg. Also, this type of thigh high socks is made available only in White color.
Features of 18mmHg Thigh Highs T.e.d. Stockings
- It’s manufactured to prevent blood clots that might form in the legs.
- It’s also appropriate for those who would be traveling by air.
- It prevents embolism in recumbent individuals
- It helps heavy, tired, and achy legs.
- Useful for minor spider veins
- It efficient for pre-and post-surgical care
- It prevents mild edema
Color Availability
- It’s only available in white
- Fabric Content of 18mmHg Thigh Highs T.e.d. Stockings
- It has 82% Polyamide (Nylon), 18% Spandex
All these types of ted stockings can be reached out for. They can be bought based on your specific needs. Either for its design or the level of compression that it requires. Well, one essential thing is to consult your doctor before you wear any of the types of ted stockings described above.
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The Right Level of Compression for You

In the past, only folks with blood flow or swelling issues in their legs wear compression socks. But that has changed. Although these reasons are still prevalent today, the popularity of ted stockings has expanded. Take, for example, many runners and other athletes now wear these types of compression to enhance their performance. Of course, what a runner needs in compression would definitely be different from a person with a swollen leg. There are different types of stockings that do different things. Although this part will feature t.e.d. stockings. It’s going to help you figure out what compression level or type will be best for you.
Socks For Athletes and Runners: Compression socks for athletes are so famous that you can get styles labeled “running compression socks.” The sizes are available both in men and women. They also come in a variety of colors and patterns. These socks will often have a low level of pressure. They wouldn’t be efficient for medical treatment. Many athletes indeed like them, and the wearing does them lots of good.
T.e.d. Stockings: This type of compression applies less pressure than other types of prescription stockings. Medical practitioners might recommend these types of socks for people who just had surgery. Or, they might suggest that folks who are on bed rest and can’t walk for a long-distance wear them. The lower pressure of the socks gives excellent blood circulation. This assists in preventing clots while a person is immobile. These socks don’t have adequate strength to solve problems like DVT in an active person.
Stocking Length: Compression socks, event.e.d. Stockings come in varying lengths. There are full-length socks that cover the whole leg. Some come in thigh high. Others are knee-length. Some pantyhose and tights apply compression levels too. Often, you can hear some people saying, knee-length socks are the most comfortable and most natural to wear. However, before you know which one fits you, seek your doctor’s recommendation first.
Now that you’ve known the types of compression socks and how to identify the best compression level for you, do you still have any questions or inquiries as regards t.e.d. Stockings, I’m delighted to tell you that this website is home to lots of articles written on understanding t.e.d. Stockings, tedhose stockings, and ted sock. Any inquiry you have about anti-embolism socks, you will have the answer right here on the website.
This page last updated December 16, 2022